« Paul Mulshine and Fred Profeta to Speak on Iraq
at Seton Hall Forum 12-05-07 |
| Paul Mulshine and Fred Profeta to Speak on Iraq
at Seton Hall Forum 12-05-07 »
Paul Mulshine and Fred Profeta to Speak on Iraq
at Seton Hall Forum 12-05-07
Paul Mulshine, conservative columnist for the Star-Ledger and liberal Maplewood Mayor Fred Profeta will speak on:
"Can Liberals & Conservatives Find Common Ground on Iraq?"
Seton Hall University
Wednesday December 5, 2007
8:00 pm.
McNulty Hall Amphitheater.

For Reservations and Directions call 973-763-9493 or email paul@BeAboutPeace.com.
Paul Mulshine and Fred Profeta to Speak at Forum on Iraq.
Star-Ledger columnist Paul Mulshine and Maplewood, NJ, Mayor Fred Profeta will be the featured speakers at a Seton Hall public forum titled "Can Liberals and Conservatives Find Common Ground on Iraq?" The forum takes place on Wednesday, December 5, 2007 at the McNulty Hall Amphitheater on the Seton Hall campus.
The event, the first of its kind, seeks to open a dialogue on Iraq among people from different parts of the political spectrum.
Paul Mulshine has criticized the war in Iraq based on conservative values. He describes himself as "the sole traditional conservative columnist at a major American newspaper (with the possible exception of George Will) and therefore has been opposed to the Bush administration's Wilsonian adventure in Iraq."
Mulshine has worked at the Star-Ledger since 1995. He currently lives with his family at the Jersey Shore.
Fred Profeta, a liberal, has actively opposed the war as Mayor in numerous ways, including the passage of an antiwar resolution and two proclamations by the Township Committee, signing public letters and petitions and speaking at local and national events. Profeta represented Maplewood in Washington DC at Cities for Peace Day in July 2007.
Profeta, who grew up in Maplewood, was elected to the Township Committee in 2003 and was elected Mayor in 2004. A committed environmentalist, he currently serves as co-chair of the Mayors' Committee for Green Initiatives within the NJ League of Municipalities.
At the December 5th forum, following the opening statements by Mulshine and Profeta, the discussion will be moderated by Seton Hall students from two campus co-sponsoring organizations, the College Democrats and the Students for Individual Liberty. The third co-sponsor is South Mountain Peace Action, which is based in Maplewood and South Orange, NJ.
There will be ample time for questions and comments from the audience. Admission to the forum is free, but reservations are recommended.
For reservations, directions and further information, please call Paul Surovell, chairman of South Mountain Peace Action at 973-763-9493 or email him at paul4sure@aol.com.